1, 90 degrees rotary spring return
2, fork structure
3, the output in the form of the output hole
4, connected sizes with ISO5211 standards
5, limit switches to meet the NAMUR standard mounting dimensions
6, can be used for switching and conditioning type pneumatic valve
7, with a hydraulic manual device
8, two-way adjustable stroke ± 5 °
Torque range: 7380Nm ~ 10000Nm
* GKSF Series high-torque dual-action pneumatic drive
Features: 1, 90-degree double-action rotary
2, Fork structure
3, The output in the form of the output hole
4, Connected sizes with ISO5211 standards
5, Limit switches to meet the NAMUR standard mounting dimensions
6, Can be used for switching and conditioning type pneumatic valve
7, With a hydraulic manual device
8, Two-way adjustable stroke ± 5 °
Torque range: 18670Nm ~ 65740Nm